Is Moving to the Cloud Right For Your Business?

The cloud is no longer just a buzzword, but a powerful and reliable platform for businesses everywhere. Migration to ...

The cloud is no longer just a buzzword, but a powerful and reliable platform for businesses everywhere. Migration to the cloud has become an increasingly popular choice for companies as it provides numerous benefits. From improved scalability and cost savings to enhanced security and performance, migrating to the cloud can help businesses take their operations to the next level. But it's important to know that it's not right for every business. Is it right for yours? Let's look at some factors you should consider when starting down the path to the cloud. 

If you have a limited budget, migrating to the Cloud might not be the right decision for your business. While it's not always the more expensive option, there are costs involved. There are project fees, implementation costs and ongoing fees. If you are faced with the expense of replacing a 7-year-old server and other expensive hardware, then moving to the cloud might be a more cost-efficient decision in the long run. Planning to expand your locations, headcount, services? Purchasing more hardware to support that kind of growth is costly and doesn't always scale. On the other hand, if you are a smaller operation with no plans for growth, moving to the Cloud might not be in your present or future budget. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to costs and the ROI of moving to the Cloud.

Network Capacity:

Using the cloud will require a strong, stable network. Businesses will need to make sure they have the speeds and capacity to handle heavier server loads. Otherwise, running your application and accessing documents, as well as other online services like internet use or video streaming, will slow the whole system to a crawl. That can lead to inefficiency and decreased productivity. Before moving to the Cloud, you need to make sure you talk to your IT partner about your network and if it is capable of supporting your business in the Cloud. 

Business Applications and Software:

Certain programs that your business uses might have web-based versions, but they might not have the functionality that you and your team want or need. For instance, there are several accounting platforms that have the web versions, but our clients complain about the access and limited functionality of the programs. You need to talk to your vendors and IT partner about what you will gain and lose when you move to the Cloud. Also, consider other programs such as Photoshop, InDesign and CAD products, etc. These generate huge files and moving that data up and down an internet connection means either poor productivity or a very expensive internet connection. 


This might seem counter intuitive because security is one of the reasons moving to the Cloud is beneficial for businesses. But there are other risk factors to consider. Relying on third-party vendors can be risky. The best providers will use the very latest in encryption and security technology, but even the most modern systems sometimes fail. If you mistakenly choose an inexperienced vendor, you risk having all your important information damaged, lost, or even stolen. The businesses that are most at risk are ones that have important, sensitive information that needs to be kept secure. Only work with vendors and partners that use backup solutions that are vetted, well known and compliant. 

Moving to the Cloud has many great benefits. The important thing to remember is to explore the issue. Take the time to understand the technology and the benefits and drawbacks for your company. Make sure you understand exactly why you are changing. Make sure it is because there are gains that will further your business and help you reach your goals.

For more about moving to the Cloud, check out our page:

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