Need to Fill Out a Cyber Insurance Application? We Can Help.

Not sure where to start when filling out that cyber insurance application? We can help provide guidance, expertise and answers.

Confused by the cyber insurance form your agent sent you to fill out? When filling out a cyber-security form, how do you know what's important and what's more of a box checking exercise? Which ones should you care about. Based on hundreds of cyber insurance applications here is a list of the most common questions which appear on every and why you should care about them.

We help many of our clients fill out their cyber insurance applications and renewals and we can help you too. Are you a business leader located in Central Ohio? Interested in talking to us about your policy or how to answer specific questions?

We will schedule a virtual meeting to go over your questions and provide a complimentary hour to you. Have a larger company with 50 employees or more and a longer meeting, let's talk about an in person consultation. Schedule a call or fill out the form below and we will be in touch.

This offer is for Ohio businesses only. Some restrictions may apply, consultation is not intended to replace any legal advice or professional responsibility.